
Please see the following from Miss Terkildsen:

Hello band parents!


I'm excited to get to teach your students next year! Please fill out the form below with all of your contact information if you are interested in your student taking lessons this summer. I will be contacting you later on about the final schedule!


I plan on doing lessons from 9am-3pm from July 5-July 27th in the band room every Tuesday and Wednesday (ends up being 4 30 minute lessons, one a week) I will add Thursday if there is enough interest. There will be potential for makeup lessons if your student has to miss one. 


If you are not interested in lessons, but your student will be in band next year, still fill out the form please 🙂 This way I can communicate with you on band camp and other things for next year. 


Please fill out the form by Friday, May 13th. 


Thank you!

Miss T


Link for sign up: